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Sporting opportunities in Czech Switzerland.

sport České Švýcarsko

10 the most interesting sports activities around Tisá and Czech Switzerland - choose in right menu "Sports"

Many tourist destinations can be found in the region around Tisa,. Among the best known and most interesting is nature trail through Tisa rock walls for 2km. It is divided into two ranges - Small and Big walls. In the Small walls we can find 19, in the Big walls 56 numbered rock formations with various names and shapes. Both ranges are one way and are marked by tourist natural trail marks. You will be led by a red tourist mark from the church in Tisá to the rock square where both ranges start. You can buy detailed guide with descriptions of pathways and rock formations at the ticket office by the rocks. Other tourist destinations around are Rájec rocks about 3km from Tisá, Ostrov rocks in a romantic valley with natural open air pool /6km/, or observation tower Děčínský Sněžník.

Picture gallery - sports in Tisá.

Turistika v v okolí Tisé a Českém Švýcarsku Horolezectví ve skalních městech Tisá, Rájec a Ostrov. Cyklistika v jedinečné krajině Českého Švýcarska. Tenis, volejbal, fotbálek ve sportovním areálu penzionu Na kovárně v Tisé. Klasické lyžování Tisá - Děčínský Sněžník a ski areálu Adolfov. Ski areál Telnice a lyžařský vlek Tisá.
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