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Contact boarding house Na kovárně Tisá

name : Restaurace a penzion Na kovárně Tisá
manager : Mgr.Pavla Vopatová
address : Tisá 302,  40336 Tisá,   Czech Republic
IČ : 11427701     DIČ : CZ6804020278

mobile phone: 0420 603 281 915
Email :

bank account : IBAN CZ6101000000000131843411 , Kom. bank in Ústí nad Labem,

Swift /DIC/ code : KOMBCZPP

mapa Arrival GPS - Boardin house Na Kovárně : 50°47'12.52"N; 14°1'6.43"E


Arrival map.

Mapa Praha - Dresden, dálnice E55, 87km, sjezd Petrovice Mapa Ústí nad Labem - Tisá Mapa dálniční sjezd Petrovice - Tisá

Links and links exchange – Na kovárně Tisá Guesthouse - Czech Switzerland.

Do you like our on-line presentation? Were you satisfied with our guesthouse? Support us by placing our link on your website. Do you run a website that has a similar content or has anything else in common with ours? We will be happy to exchange a reciprocal link with you. Place the below-source code on your website and send us yours. We will immediately activate the exchange and inform you. Thank you. We are looking forward to our mutual cooperation.

Source code:

<a href="" title="Penzion Na kovárně Tisá České Švýcarsko - ubytování, restaurace, tenis, sauna a outdoorové sporty ">Penzion Na kovárně Tisá - ubytování České Švýcarsko</a>

Banner Kovarna Tisá Source code - banner 88x31 :

<p><a href="" target="_parent"><img longdesc="" src=" " alt="Penzion Na kovárně Tisá - ubytování České Švýcarsko" width="88" height="31" /></a></p>

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