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Cross-country skiing Ore Mountains.

běžky České Švýcarsko

Classic skiing in Tisá, Zadni Telnice, Adolfov and Bouřňák:

Cross-country tracks can be found in wide surroundings of Tisá. They go through romantic setting of local nature. They will take us into vast woods and plateaus and also to places with a view to sandstone rocks. Able skiers can run all the way to the rock areas and little villages Rájec and Ostrov or even further to the rock observation tower Sneznik. You can start on these mentioned tracks straight from our pension. Tracks are marked by colored markings, there are guideposts on crossroads with a map of the track and listed distance.

Links :

Picture gallery cross-country skiing Tisá, Adolfov, Telnice and Bouřňák.

Běžecké tratě v nedalekém Adolfově. Přestávka na odpočinek Krušné hory. Běžecké tratě v okolí Tisé. Děčínský sněžník je oblíbený běžecký směr. Trasa pro běžkaře Tisá - Rájec. Zasněžené Tiské stěny.
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