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News Na kovárně Tisá

PF 2012

PF 2011

PF 2011


PF 2011

Boulder cup competition in the Czech North-Bohemian region “Sněžník”

You are invited to participate at the third boulder cup competition in the Czech North-Bohemian region “Sněžník” on    18. 9. 2010. The event will take place in a spectacular natural environment on sandstone boulders. The contest returns back to the original place of Sněžník Table Mountain making the highest Czech plateau overlooking the Middle Mountains, the Erz Mountains, and grandiose sandstone formations. You will be challenged by 300 boulder lines graded from 3rd (for children) to 8th grade mega-problems for the most advanced. Be ready for hard and coarse sandstone of all-kind of shapes and size. The all-day event will end with a hard-core after party. Do not hesitate and come by. We are awaiting you with a full day of climbing and fun.

PF 2010

PF 2010

11.12.2009 od 18.00 hod - Cho Oyu 8201 m.n.m.

Expedition CHO OYU, 1-30.10.2009: Zuzana Hofmannová - large screen projection

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